Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lady Bug Infestation

Our suite--and the rest of the building, apparently-- is under siege by lady bugs(!!). They started appearing a week ago, and until today I thought they were only coming to me room, attracted by the two eight-inch-tall plants from Kmart that sit on my window sill. Naive? Perhaps.

But just now I saw that Bwog commenter WTF reported yesterday a "ladybug infestation in the east-facing rooms of EC. close your windows, people!!"

Suitemates, now is the time for decisions. Do we welcome lady bugs into our suite (and our blog?) as friends? Or do we take the anonymous commenter's advice and treat their arrival as hostile?

Thus far, I'm happy to report that they've been nothing but gracious and respectful. At first I thought the Bwog commenter was being unnecessarily rash and disturbingly distrusting of those different than him/herself. And yet, however politically incorrect this may be, I think it's at least worth raising the question: Do the lady bugs pose a threat?

Like the baby appropriately pictured below, it's easy to focus on their immediate innocence and beauty, forgetting that we have no way of knowing how long their cordial behavior will last. Will Lady-Bug-Baby stay that cute forever, or will he grow up to become a child molester who rapes other costumed babies? The only way to know for certain is to wait, and by then it will be too late to save them.


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