Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Miss My Man Friends

So technically I'm not in the suite for the next few days (nor in New York even, *gasp!*) so I don't know the protocol for me posting on here....but fuck it, you guys can delete this if you really feel that strongly.
MS, my Halloween was very different from yours, you should have been there. I got dinner on Arthur Ave in the Bronx and my dad and I headed out. Passing only one accident, we flew down the Mass Pike and were back in Pilgrim town by 9. Anth came and got me and we stopped at my high school friend Luke's place for some vodka crans and their child's Halloween candy (sorry Harper! You're too young for chocolate anyway!) Then Anthony took us to a Starbucks employee party. It took about twenty minutes to find and when we arrived we were all in dire need of beer. Beer was freely flowing (it always is at home, never at school, WTF?) and Kim and I announced our intention to rule the beer pong table. I asked a nice Asian gentleman if he worked at Starbucks as well and he said fuck no, he worked at some cool bar. I replied with, well, I live in Manhattan so fuck you too and Kim and I moved in on the table. The music was pretty much Dragon Force only (the poor guy had only 350 songs on his itunes!!!) so I youtubed some Lil' Kim which irritated all the other guests and Kim and I proceeded to destroy the next three sets of opponents. I talked shit in the manner of MS and I when we play freshmen in fraternities.
Then we departed to pick up my friend John from another party who was wearing a ripped t-shirt and some cut-offs. When we asked what his costume was, he replied that he had been covered in fake blood but he sweated it off. We decided not to go in there. Instead we drove back to Luke and Kims to order "The Grace," bust out the hookahs, and finish off our drinks from earlier. Good times were had by all, many costumes had sequins, and I managed to wake up this morning at nine to praise Jesus. I kept things classy, albeit tamer than the public urination club scene you described.
I hope you boys are all taking care of yourselves and only throwing up in trash cans and toilets.
Love, Grace

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